Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for alleviating or reducing pain. Very fine needles are inserted at specific anatomical sites of the body. Nothing is injected and the treatment typically involves little to no discomfort. Some people do not feel the insertion of the needles at all.
An advantage of acupuncture is the low occurrence of complications. It has fewer adverse reactions and complications than other more conventional treatments. Serious side effects are extremely rare. The needles used are sterile and disposable. This means that they are only used once, helping to preventing infection.
Women in early pregnancy and hemophiliacs should ensure that their practitioner is aware of their condition and should be treated cautiously.
Medical versus Traditional
Medical acupuncture takes concepts from traditional Chinese medicine and reinterprets them based on the current knowledge of human physiology and anatomy of western medicine. Although traditional acupuncture and medical acupuncture, also known as western acupuncture or contemporary acupuncture, may seem very similar, there are some key differences in their methodology.
A medical/chiropractic diagnosis is needed before a practitioner of medical acupuncture begins acupuncture treatment. A medical acupuncture practitioner uses acupuncture to elicit certain effects in the local tissue and central nervous system. They will often use acupuncture along with other treatment modalities and options.
A practitioner of traditional acupuncture, on the other hand, uses acupuncture to restore imbalances in the body’s energy or elements. Their diagnosis is based on complex theories of balancing these energies and elements.
Acupuncture stimulates the release of chemicals in the body that are responsible for relieving pain, promoting healing of injured tissue, and decreasing inflammation. The scientific community has been investigating how acupuncture works. Their research shows that acupuncture helps to relieve pain partly by encouraging the body to manufacture and release endorphins. Endorphins are powerful pain relieving chemicals that are similar to morphine. The endorphins block pain transmission between the body and the brain, alleviating pain. Acupuncture also stimulates local blood flow which will encourage tissue healing. The combination of the body’s natural chemicals, reduction of pain and increased blood flow promote relaxation, healing, reduced inflammation and physical and emotional well-being.
Getting your acupuncture from a chiropractor allows for a more comprehensive treatment, as the chiropractor can use the acupuncture in conjuncture with other therapeutic approaches to help you recover faster.
If you have questions or would like more information you can contact Dr. Merlino here via email or phone.
An advantage of acupuncture is the low occurrence of complications. It has fewer adverse reactions and complications than other more conventional treatments. Serious side effects are extremely rare. The needles used are sterile and disposable. This means that they are only used once, helping to preventing infection.
Women in early pregnancy and hemophiliacs should ensure that their practitioner is aware of their condition and should be treated cautiously.
Medical versus Traditional
Medical acupuncture takes concepts from traditional Chinese medicine and reinterprets them based on the current knowledge of human physiology and anatomy of western medicine. Although traditional acupuncture and medical acupuncture, also known as western acupuncture or contemporary acupuncture, may seem very similar, there are some key differences in their methodology.
A medical/chiropractic diagnosis is needed before a practitioner of medical acupuncture begins acupuncture treatment. A medical acupuncture practitioner uses acupuncture to elicit certain effects in the local tissue and central nervous system. They will often use acupuncture along with other treatment modalities and options.
A practitioner of traditional acupuncture, on the other hand, uses acupuncture to restore imbalances in the body’s energy or elements. Their diagnosis is based on complex theories of balancing these energies and elements.
Acupuncture stimulates the release of chemicals in the body that are responsible for relieving pain, promoting healing of injured tissue, and decreasing inflammation. The scientific community has been investigating how acupuncture works. Their research shows that acupuncture helps to relieve pain partly by encouraging the body to manufacture and release endorphins. Endorphins are powerful pain relieving chemicals that are similar to morphine. The endorphins block pain transmission between the body and the brain, alleviating pain. Acupuncture also stimulates local blood flow which will encourage tissue healing. The combination of the body’s natural chemicals, reduction of pain and increased blood flow promote relaxation, healing, reduced inflammation and physical and emotional well-being.
Getting your acupuncture from a chiropractor allows for a more comprehensive treatment, as the chiropractor can use the acupuncture in conjuncture with other therapeutic approaches to help you recover faster.
If you have questions or would like more information you can contact Dr. Merlino here via email or phone.